Board & committees
President: Becca Rubin
Vice-President: Courtney Martin
Secretary: Heather Troxell
Co-Treasurers: Laura Hull and Dylan Fetzer
Non-Voting Members:
Principal: Kim Ponza
Staff Representative: TBD
2024-2025 Committees & Chairs
The Bobcat Club provides activities to enhance the school community and provides fundraising to provide important instructional resources and teacher supplies. It takes a village to make events and fundraising happen. We would love for you to join us! Here is a list of our committees and current Chairs/Co-Chairs. Every committee needs helpers, and we have a lot of open Chair positions.
Back to School Night: BOD
Bobcat Bash (Spring Auction): Courtney M.
Book Fair: Jessica, Emily, Ivy
Box Tops: OPEN
Bulletin Boards: Desiree
Classroom Reps: OPEN
Copy Crew: Desiree, need more volunteers
Fun Run: Dylan
Family Art Night: Desiree (need co-chair)
Family Game Night: Gina
Family Movie Night: OPEN
Family Science Night: Cara
Grantwriting: OPEN
Marketing/Flyers: OPEN
Marquee: Heather T.
Read-A-thon: Noe
See's Candy: OPEN
Square 1 Art: Nadja
Staff Appreciation Week: Kaitlyn
Yearbook: Becca/Jen